This is a post worth posting cause there's so many people I wanna thank...
17th Birthday was well spent. First up was Countdown with The Cousins after Practice. Thanks guys :)
And for the day itself?
Well around 30 of us, DJians gathered together for a pool party for my birthday and it started late cause of the schtooopid rain, I forgot to consider the fact that it would rain bt thank God it stopped soon after. Anyway, I'm not gonna type everything we did, I guess that'll be something for those who went to know :)
Alright, I really need to thank these people, alot:
-Parents, for the whole thing
-Uncle Jacob & Family for the place
-Chels, Boh & the others whom I know went through alot of thinking due to the many "secret -discussions" they've been having in school
-Felicia & Qi for helping out with the games
-The 16 people for giving me the ultimate birthday present :D
-Everyone who went & made the party awesome
-Everyone who wished me
-And if I missed out anybody, I'm sorry
Alright, I really need to thank these people, alot:
-Parents, for the whole thing
-Uncle Jacob & Family for the place
-Chels, Boh & the others whom I know went through alot of thinking due to the many "secret -discussions" they've been having in school
-Felicia & Qi for helping out with the games
-The 16 people for giving me the ultimate birthday present :D
-Everyone who went & made the party awesome
-Everyone who wished me
-And if I missed out anybody, I'm sorry
I hope you guys had a blast :)
Pictures? There are 300+ in my camera alone, so pass me your thumb drives if you want it yeah. Pictures from Rueben's camera is already in facebook though.
Our failed sisi jump shot
Recieved so many complaints from the residents due to too much noise pollution, but who cares man ;)
Boo looks like he spat blood out, literally.
Crap. I only have ONE more year to grow. I'll make it la... right?
Look at Val's serious face, aha :)
The 15 who shared the present, only Terence was missing
They're super cute to come up with the statement "Jelly of course must have Jelly cake" & actually made it happen
How do you expect someone to blow from that distance without moving? =)
Big Smiles :D
Oh oh please zoom in at Boo's face!
Oh oh please zoom in at Boo's face!
17, It's a figure I'm not used to yet.
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