Tuesday, October 21, 2008

War of The Roses

How's the new header? :) Warning..
This is gonna be a wordy post. So you can skip it!
I'm just really pissed at someone now, thats all.

I don't understand why there's such person. You like to ruin ppl's reputation. For what? Cause you think that ppl would say 'wow' to you when actually they don't think so. What's your problem? Making others like that makes you happy, doesn't it. Why do I know a person like you? Just leave me alone la. Stop irritating me and pissing me off.

You come up with fake lies just for false pride. What a loser.

But it doesn't matter cause as long as
they trust me, who cares about what you think. You doing so, makes me think that you're life is so meaningless cause you're interfering with the life's of others. It's like you're life is just too boring that you have to make something up in other's. I'll give you something to do, look in the mirror and go figure yourself out & who u are.

Who knows, maybe you really are lifeless.

I was thinking if I should show you what it's like and make you learn a lesson. But then whatever wrong done will be judged and be punished by the man upstairs in heaven. And I believe in Karma. So yeah, one day it'll hit you back even if you didn't know why. Just grow up. Stop being so childish. No wait, even kids don't do that. If you wanna be childish, it's clear that you don't know how.

Face the world, stop hiding behind your lies.

Sorry. You just really piss me off. I never knew anybody who can piss me off this badly. Not just once, but you piss me off more than once. It takes alot to make me angry cause I'm not the type who gets angry easily at a small thing. I'm still gonna be happy with my family & friends even if you piss me off for that moment. Simon says you're so ugly you make a toad look pretty.

Sorry to my friends if you all never seen me like this heh :]