Saturday, July 12, 2008

Freak Night

It was almost midnight last night when i watched

One missed call: the final
I was hoping it was gonna be scary so decided to watch it at night :)

Had the whole atmosphere for this movie.
Chips. Right timing. Dark. Alone. Closed room. But.. it wasn't scary at all.
Plus the subtitles was barely even there.
So much for feeling the thrill of horror movies :(

Aiming for this tonight :]
But I dont think it'll be scary though cause english shows never are =/

Horror movies are only exciting when it involves ghosts eyh?
Yes you might think im weird cuz
"Im fine with scary shows" As Boh n Khei says
But yala at least it has suspense moments & sudden moments x)

She's been really really rajin lately.
Studying the whole time. Stop scaring me.
I'm not ready for trials.
I need a maths tutor :/ Someone help me.