Thursday, December 31, 2009

New Year

Hola :)

Com is back. I am back from an island in Thailand.
This Christmas was spent on a beach :)
And 2010 is on it's way.

Gonna see them very often again soon :D

And the YROT09? I'm gonna miss them, truckloads.

Friday, December 18, 2009

Short Post

Dancing in the rain :D

Everyone's writing about how this journey has ended & how it won't be the same again. But I just want you guys to know that no matter what happens, the memories we had would not change & the friendship will remain.

Rally was Awesome!

Yes there'll be another bunch who will take over our places next year but it doesn't matter because we've already been given a chance to experience it. "Zero What!? Zero Nine!" we'll be the only one who holds this title, it belongs to us, now & forever.

Love them truckloads :)

I've been seeing those monkeys every single day for the past whole month or so & not seeing you guys now suddenly feels different lol anyway have fun with your remaining holidays people! We'll see each other again soon!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Sneak Peek, more to come :)
I'm the tallest here!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Cowboy Casanova

Awesomeness :)

Rally is this Friday. Yesterday was our LAST day of practice, happy in a way but sad in another. I really don't want Aunty Pat's words to come true, that is rally will be the last time we all are together doing something as a team, as a family. Nyways, I love you guys and i really believe it wouldn't be our last. We'd still have outings :)

There's so much I have to do after rally. All my holidays planning can only be done after rally! They're coming too :D

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Last Monday

It was really a different day spent at church.
1 tub of ice-cream, 4 packets of chips & 4 Large Pizzas, Yumm
Thanks 2 Dylan, I can do Baby Freeze now :D
Michelle and I were both damn excited la!
I know it seems like a small thing but to us it's not.
Next one, Shoulder Freeze? :)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


I miss you guys so much.
6E peeps, The Nicoles, MadChelsBoh, BooChanKemGas, 3Kem08 and 4Jat09.
It's been so long since I last spent some real quality time with you all.
I'm sorry that I've been really busy.
But soon okay?
& I just wanna thank you guys for being such awesome friends :)